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The other alternative, which is in fact preferred by bodybuilders, is to use clenbuterol tablets in rotation, as prescribed in this article. I recommend this rather than clenbuterol because clenbuterol is an anabolic hormone, which translates into increased protein synthesis in the muscle fibers. When you have your muscles in condition to produce this anabolic steroid, you have maximized testosterone synthesis, clenbuterol tablets sale. To use clenbuterol for its anti-catabolic potential, is not an appropriate choice. As the author of this article points out, the bodybuilder's first choice to make is to supplement with the anabolic agent metformin, clenbuterol sale tablets. As the author states, the anabolic effect of metformin appears to be more than just an increase in muscle hypertrophy, ostarine bad side effects.
This post was originally published July 31, 2008 in the Spring 2011 issue of Men's Fitness.
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